Academic Director for Silicon Valley Innovation Academy | Stanford University
William Cockayne, Ph.D., is an experienced executive and inventor with a demonstrated history of working in global high-tech organizations and R1 universities. At Stanford University, he is the academic director for the Silicon Valley Innovation Academy and also oversees the Foresight & Innovation program. Previously, he has led teams in incubation, research, product development, and manufacturing. He has shipped over 20 successful products at companies including Eastman Kodak, DaimlerBenz, and Apple Computer. As an entrepreneur, Dr. Cockayne has created a number of pioneering products including award-winning Travel by Handstand, Nota for education, Change Research for analytics, and is infamous as the co-founder and CTO of Scout Electromedia. He holds a doctorate in mechanical engineering and a master’s of science in computer science, is the inventor of multiple patents, and authored numerous publications including the Playbook for Strategic Foresight and Innovation.